Friday, November 22, 2013

Sonnet Analysis

This cave is all I've ever known
Shadows dancing in the night
All I see around me is stone
The way that they move is quite a sight

These shackles will hold me down no more
This new found light is so very blinding
But now I see what has never been before
This world around me is a new discovered finding

My world in this cave has been a misconception
This is something that myself is incapable of explaining
But these prisoners in this cave have had but one perception
They will not believe the world that is remaining

This is beyond what I ever could've imagined
I can now see what this world truly beholds


  1. Hey Haley nice start to your sonnet! However, a sonnet is 14 lines and yours is only 10... other than that your rhyming scheme seems to fit nicely!

  2. great start for your sonnet Haley! can't wait to see the rest

  3. Thanks for the great comments! I had trouble posting this originally and for some weird reason the third stanza was not showing up, but I just fixed it. :)
